

Dr. Peeyush Kumar







 I have joined UCMS & GTB Hospital, Delhi in February 2021 after completing my Senior Residency from ABVIMS &Dr. RML Hospital, Delhi and also serving there for a brief period as Assistant Professor.

During my training, I have had the opportunity to assist and perform varied variety of open and minimal access surgeries. I have also developed interest in Minimal Access Surgery, Trauma Surgery and Organ transplantation.

I have participated in various State level and National Workshops and CMEs related to my interest in the field. I have been a regular participant in various clinical meetings organized by Delhi State Chapter of ASI. I have also regularly participated in various Surgical & academic workshops (FMAS, FIAGES, ATLS, FACRSI, DipMAS)

After joining UCMS & GTB Hospital, I have contributed towards the hospital patients’ care as well as my administrative duties assigned.

I look forward to pursue my Surgical & academic interests with the guidance of senior and eminent faculty at this Institution.


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