

Dr. Vishakha






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Being UCMS alumni, she has grown along with the college and is well versed by its legacy. With stalwarts like Dr AS Paintal, Dr KN Sharma and Dr OP Tandon who developed the Department of Physiology as one of the frontrunners in the medical research in the nation, she wish to carry the baton forward. Under the able guidance of the department head Dr. Neelam Vaney, she would like to contribute to the teaching, research and clinical care in the Department. She has worked on various high end machines and apparatus in the Department, has published her work related to yoga and its effects, and wish to further improve upon the clinical service and research infrastructure. She is well versed with modern modalities of online teaching, with nitty gritties of content modifications, user interface and backhand software handling of many e-platforms. She is a confident teacher, and believe in the concepts of lifelong learning and students being the best teachers. Apart from academics, she has been actively involved in various cultural events during ripple, the annual festival of UCMS.


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