Department of BMI

This Department was initially called Computer Centre and then Division of Biostatistics and Medical Informatics and started in the year 1995 as an independent unit. It was upgraded as the full Department in the year 2005. The Department provides all biostatistics and computer related services. All kinds of biostatistical consultation from the planning stage of the analysis of data are provided to the faculty for research and post-graduate theses. Among many firsts achieved by the Department are computerization of payroll (1987), MEDLARS (1991), e-mail (1992) and UCMS Homepage on the web (1996). An enormous database of more than 30 health indicators containing information for each state and age/gender/urban-rural areas since the year 1971 is among the major achievements. The thrust areas of research are health indicators and health databases. Projects funded by agencies such as WHO, the World Bank and UNAIDS have been conducted. The department prepared a full book on ‘11 Health Questions about the 11 SEAR Countries’, and chapters for biregional report of WHO, both of which are very significant achievement. Many other books have been written including one published in the US with gratifying international reviews. More than 200 publications have appeared despite department's emphatic no to accept authorship in the work where computation help was provided. Networking system installed with 100 Mbps leased line of National Knowledge Network(NKN) in all the departments of college and the hospital. The department is substantially contributing to providing e-journals access to the faculty and striving for e-governance in the college.

Name Dr Rahul Sharma  
Designation Professor & Faculty Incharge

Name  Dr Shashank Tripathi  
Designation Assistant Professor

 Hemant Rana  
Designation Programmer-cum-Statistician