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From Principal

"UCMS is committed to establishing itself as a centre of excellence, providing expertise and resources for medical education and research stakeholders."
Dr Amita Suneja is an alumnus of Maulana Azad Medical College(MAMC) and a postgraduate of Safdarjung Hospital (SJ), Delhi University. She joined UCMS & GTB Hospital as a lecturer in 1988 and is Director Professor as well as the Head of OBS & GYN department since 2016.
Dr Amita Suneja is a renowned Gynaecologist, skilled Surgeon, Teacher par excellence, academician with more than 36 years experience at UCMS is known for her sincerity& hard work.
She has devoted a lot of time in honorary work for the NARCHI (National Association of Reproductive & Child Health of India) Delhi Branch which works at grass roots level and also for AOGD (Association of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists of Delhi) which is an academic body. She served NARCHI as its President (2014-2016) and held a series of Community awareness programmes for ASHA workers, ANMs and nurses to train them in RCH activities. She organised the World Congress of NARCHI in 2002. She has been President AOGD in 2023-24 and has organised many National, Regional conferences, CMEs&Workshops.
Dr Amita Suneja is the recipient of many international, national and regional awards including the WHO Fellowship Award in gynaecologic oncology at M D Anderson Hospital, Texas, USA. She has more than 150 research publications, edited three books and has delivered more than a two hundred guest lectures. Many postgraduates have done prize winning research under her guidance. She has been bestowed with Best Doctor Award by GTB Hospital for her dedication to patient care and Best Teachers Award on teachers day, Award of Excellence in Adolescent Health by Sharda University, Corona warrior Award by Delhi Govt, Eminent Health & Education Teacher Award by DMA. FOGSI Achiever award by FOGSI, Dr APJ Kalam Award by DGF.
She took over the office as Acting Principal on 1 st August 2024 and is committed to accomplish the 5 years agenda proposed by former Principal by giving her best every day.
Vision for the UCMS and GTBH in the next five years is as follows:
- One of top 5 ranked Medical College in India.
- UCMS to be a hub of cohabitation and collaboration for facilitators and learners – fostering, motivating and empowering them by creating opportunities for professional development, academics and research work.
- Centre for Excellence in Research and Medical Education.
- Improvising infrastructure, student friendly learning environment (LT, Skill Lab, Digital library…)
- Exploring viability of a software application for facilitating teaching-learning and administration.
- For the Faculty, Ensuring promotions, motivation for research and SOTL.
- Accessible and accountable online administration.
- Emphasis on clear communication, constant feedback and developing trust.
- Creating a dynamic website, enabling social media presence on FB, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
- In the era of Artificial Intelligence, it’s high time to explore the role of AI in medical education and implement it.